
Credit where credit is due #

To create this website I have used various templates and code from other people that have generously made their work available in the public domain.

Without their efforts and generosity this website would look and perform very differently!

So I thought it appropriate to list a few of the tools and repos I have utilised in the building of this website:

Eleventy #

This website is built with eleventy, which is an excellent static site generator.

Eleventy High Performance Blog #

The Eleventy template I started out with was the Eleventy high performance blog created by Malte Ubl

Bahunya CSS #

The website design elements are heavily influenced by Bahunya CSS. This is mainly because the eleventy template that I used is based on this very simple and light CSS framework.

Tag cloud #

I wanted to improve the access and presentation of the tags from my posts / articles, and through some luck I stumbled upon Nicolas Hoizey's comment on an article about the subject.

In the comment he made he pointed to his github repo for his website. This repo contained all the guidance I needed to achieve the effect I wanted.